- ✓Create Twitter account
- ✓Create newsletter for project announcements
- ✓Complete 'Roadmap' page
- ✓Begin building site navigation
- ✓Begin building 'About the Project' page
- ✓Begin building 'About the Developer' page
- Allow users to create real accounts
- Setup account settings page to allow for usernames, email/password changes, as well as custom avatars
- Create 'Charting' page
- Create exposure table for charting page
- Create exposure chart for charting page
- Create 'Logging' page
- Setup ability to log therapist prescribed exposures and progress with these exposures
- Setup ability to log 'life's exposures' and progress with these exposures
- Create 'Prepare' page
- Setup ability to generate a set of talking points for you and your therapist about your current obsessions
- Setup ability to generate a set of talking points for you and your therapist about your emerging obsessions